Greetings and a very warm welcome to Department of Technology (DOT)
Department of Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur is known for its contribution in the enrichment of the bonds between social and educational elements of the Society. We have already maintained high educational standards with quality policies adopted in each & every step. We are proud to follow the path laid down by the founders of DOT.
In this era of globalization of education the obvious focus is on the quality of education. A good educational institution strives continuously for sustenance and enhancement of quality in every field of its activity. DOT is always putting efforts to offer quality education not only through classroom learning but also through internship, club activities etc. A step ahead DOT has prepared new curriculum in line with NEP 2020, which is to be implemented from the academic year 2023-24. Our faculty and staff members have joined hands to facilitate students and upgrade DOT teaching-learning-research ecosystem. We have excellent placement records both in terms of quantity and quality employment.
At institute level we are constantly making efforts to ensure the overall personality development of the student’s so that they can not only showcase their academic talent but also “Social commitment”. .
With constant support and encouragement from Shivaji University authorities especially hon. Vice-Chancellor Prof. (Dr) D. T. Shirke and Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof (Dr) P.S. Patil , we stand ready for the ambitious task of re-establishing ourselves as an institution of national repute, which can contribute to the nation’s building through technology. We are among many departments in the campus, who are heading towards being a landmark on the national map.
Prof. (Dr.) P. D. Patil
I/c Director, DOT, SUK