B.Tech Computer


Database & Operating System lab

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The lab will have a cluster of workstations running Operating system of Windows XP for the exclusive use of students. The software installed are from open source PostgreSQL, MySQL . 

It is equipped with modern systems to develop the knowledge about database design and implementation using different Database Management Systems.

Details of Resources & Equipments:

To study database techniques and to acquaint students with relatively advanced issues. To familiarize with data ware housing and data mining techniques. 

Lab is spacious can accommodate 24 students with individual computers. Students can perform practical for the subjects like

  1. Database System ,
  2. Advanced Database System ,
  3. Data Warehousing and Mining.

The Database Lab enables students to learn and manage quantitative and complex data like details of college, airport, banking, inventory control database and management etc. DBMS is made to learn practically in lab. Lab consist of highly configure Oracle server system and processing and programming tools which are required for transactional and analytical database system design.

This lab is for creating the strong foundation in Database technology and to develop a programming in Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language, and PL/SQL languages like Cursors, Triggers, Procedures and Functions and to design and implementation of application projects. Also the assignments to implement advanced query operations, distributed queries, parallel execution of queries will be handled.

The lab is equipped with Oracle Database Standard Edition NUP support Licensed copy for 25 users.



It is equipped with most up to date systems to learn about the various aspects of Operating Systems such as Process Management, Memory Management and Input / Output Management.

It is equipped with modern systems to have an understanding of the foundations of the design process of the assemblers, loaders, linkers, compilers and microprocessors using C programming. Students may work on different configurations varying from Linux, Windows XP etc. to fulfill their needs of the project. 

This lab is to have a thorough knowledge of processes, scheduling concepts, memory managements, I/O and file systems in a operating system and to implement the above followings in LINUX platform and use C for high level language implementation.

The lab is to make the students to understand system software concepts and make them to design and implements the various system software tools like assemblers, loaders, linkers and macro processors.


Laboratory resources

Number of terminals 24
Hardware and Configuration

Microsoft office, Oracle 10g, SQL 2000/2005/2008/2010 Turbo  C++.

Software’s installed 

Windows 7 Professional 32 bit operating System, Intel(R)    Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400@ 3.00GHz 3.00 GHz. 2.00 GB RAM.



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