B.Tech Computer


Programming Laboratory (Computer Graphics and multimedia techniques)

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This lab is shared with practical’s of Computer graphics & multimedia techniques and programming languages.

Computer Graphics and Multimedia laboratory:

This Lab is equipped with systems of latest technology with multimedia support to train the students for developing multimedia applications using the softwares like OpenGL, 3DMAX, MAYA , BLENDER, Macromedia Flash etc. Multimedia Laboratory is intended for the work related to study of signal processing as well   as Object Oriented Programming and Computer Graphics. 

The programming languages used prominently are – Turbo C / C++,OpenGL and MATLAB toolbox. In Signal Processing Laboratory, computer engineering students acquire hands on experience on basic signal processing algorithms in C and their verification through MATLAB. The Second Year B.Tech. Students, in Object oriented programming and Computer graphics laboratory, gain the introduction to object oriented programming paradigms. The students can perform the basic programs using C++.To support these software applications high end resources are provided to them.

This lab is to import the fundamental concepts of computer graphics & multimedia and to implement the Bresenham's Algorithm, Text and Image Compression Algorithm, Clipping Algorithms and 2D, 3D Transformations, Viewport Mapping and to perform Animations using software.

Programming languages:

The Lab is equipped with highly configured systems to learn about the varied operations of the Microsoft Office tools and to practice the basic concepts of C programming.

The lab contains LINUX servers and networked nodes to study about UNIX commands using Telnet and also the advanced concepts of C programming. The System software and Programming language Laboratory will have a cluster of workstations running Operating system of Windows XP for the exclusive use of students. The software’s installed are C / C++ Compiler, Rational Rose, VC++, Java, Adobe Creative suite.

This lab is to study and practice in UNIX commands and to develop a Programming skills in Unix Shell  programming and C Programming on UNIX.

Various subjects studied in Programming lab

  1. Programming Language – I / II
  2. Object Oriented Programming Lab.
  3. CASE Tools Lab – Object Oriented Analysis and Design.
  4. Data Structures and Algorithms – C / C++
  5. System Software.

Laboratory resources
Number of terminals


Hardware and Configuration Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU,  E7500 @2.93GHz, 2.93 GHz, 1 GB of RAM, Windows XP SP3 and windows 7 installed on each system, Latest antivirus.
Software’s installed  Microsoft office, Turbo C++, Multimedia flash,  MATLAB  installed on each PC.

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