B.Tech Mechanical



Welcome to Abhikalpa - the Institution Innovation Club at the Department of Technology. Abhikalpa is a vibrant and forward-thinking student club dedicated to fostering innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship among engineering students. Our club is a hub for aspiring innovators and entrepreneurs who are passionate about transforming ideas into impactful solutions.

Aims and Objectives:

Abhikalpa has set clear aims and objectives to guide our activities and provide a roadmap for our members. Our primary goals are as follows:

  1. Promoting Innovation: We strive to create a culture of innovation by encouraging students to think outside the box, explore novel ideas, and develop innovative solutions to real-world problems. Through workshops, brainstorming sessions, and idea-sharing platforms, we aim to ignite the creative spark within our members.

  2. Encouraging Entrepreneurship: We believe that innovation should not only be limited to ideas but also extend to entrepreneurial ventures. Abhikalpa provides a supportive environment for budding entrepreneurs to learn about startup ecosystems, refine their business acumen, and develop sustainable business models.

  3. Facilitating Collaboration: We understand the power of collaboration in driving innovation. Our club serves as a platform for students from various engineering disciplines to collaborate, exchange ideas, and work together on interdisciplinary projects. By fostering a collaborative spirit, we aim to harness the collective genius of our members and create impactful solutions.

  4. Skill Development: Abhikalpa is committed to equipping our members with the skills necessary to thrive in the innovation-driven world. We organize skill development workshops, training sessions, and guest lectures to enhance technical skills, project management abilities, and communication and presentation skills.

  5. Industry Interaction: We believe that exposure to industry professionals and experts is vital for the growth of our members. Therefore, Abhikalpa facilitates interactions with industry leaders through guest lectures, mentorship programs, and industry visits. These engagements provide valuable insights, networking opportunities, and exposure to real-world challenges.

  6. Community Engagement: Abhikalpa recognizes the importance of giving back to society. We organize community-driven initiatives that leverage our members' skills and knowledge to address societal challenges. By actively engaging with the community, we aim to create a positive impact and promote the values of social responsibility.

Abhikalpa - the Institution Innovation Club at the Department of Technology is a dynamic platform where students can explore their innovative potential, develop entrepreneurial skills, and collaborate with like-minded individuals. By actively participating in our club's activities, members can unlock their creativity, enhance their technical expertise, and contribute to the broader goal of advancing innovation in our society. Whether you are passionate about developing groundbreaking technologies, starting your venture, or making a difference in the community, Abhikalpa is here to support and empower you on your journey.

Abhikalpa Activities (Click on the image to see the detail activity report)



Club Coordinator:

Er. Harshwardhan C. Pandit

Assistant Professor

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